Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My Favorite Short Story

I was having so much trouble trying to find a "favorite short story." I thought that there must be a short story that I just couldn't think of, so I decided to look up a list of short stories. I noticed a lot that I had read, but didn't really like. I also noticed a few that I did like a lot. I probably haven't read enough to have a favorite, so I decided I would read a few before writing this. I came across a story called "A Telephone Call" by Dorothy Parker. I wound up loving it. I felt that it was relatable and I understood this girl's mentality waiting for the phone to ring. My eyes wanted to jump to the bottom of the page to see what the end would entail. I forced myself to read the story without reading the ending first, just to find out that the ending was ambiguous. I usually hate ambiguous endings, but I actually really liked this one. I think depending on your own mentality and view of hers is how you will decide what you think happens in the end. I thought it was a pretty cool story.

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